Friday, 1 January 2016

Target audience and audience expectation

-I gave this questionnaire out to 30 people in Belfast city, 15 women and 15 men, all of different ages in order to keep this a fair test. I also put out a poll on the internet so that I could get an idea of which nationality and specific social groups we would be targeting.

2) As we can see from the results, the general preferred independent sub-genre was split directly between horror and thriller. This was perfect as we wanted our film 'The Unknown' to be a hybrid of both these sub genres. The males mostly preferred this hybrid whilst the females of ages 30+ tended to sway more towards romances, telling us they liked movies such as 'Like Crazy'. Below is the chart for the Q2:
3) Most people said that the storyline draws them into the independent film more than anything else. I think this is because independent films don't get the same advertising scope as mainstream films. This is good because it means we aren't making our film for a larger audience and instead a more niche audience and therefore, we have more creative flexibility. The storyline behind independent films generally tackle very touchy issues in very interesting and recourseful ways. Below is the chart in answer to Q3:

4) Most people agreed that the most important element of an independent film was split between the sound and the setting. People felt that these aspects of the production design had to be good in order to give the film a realistic feel. However, lighting also scored highly among both genders with females also taking a high interest in costume:

5) Finally when we asked people what they wanted to get out of our film, they said they wanted to be made more curious. This fell in line with our expectations of what people wanted from independent films, as we knew from previous studies that independent films were extremely 'outside of the box-ish'. Below are the results:

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